50 Red Roses two layer bouquet


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Product contain :- two layer bouquet of 50 red roses in red paper packing


The 50 red roses two-tier bouquet with red non-woven paper packing is an exquisite floral arrangement that exudes elegance and sophistication. The bouquet features 50 stunning red roses that have been carefully handpicked and arranged in two tiers to create a breathtaking display of beauty. The red non-woven paper packing adds a touch of luxury to the bouquet, complementing the vibrant red color of the roses. This bouquet is perfect for romantic occasions such as weddings, anniversaries, or Valentine’s Day. It also makes a great gift for someone special, conveying your love and affection in a truly memorable way. With its stunning design and high-quality materials, this two-tier bouquet is sure to impress and delight anyone who receives it

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