Fairy Garden


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Product contain :- Basket of 4 Purple Orchids 4 pink carnation 4 red roses and one 6 inch teddy.


This gift basket contains a beautiful assortment of flowers and a cuddly teddy bear, perfect for expressing your affection and appreciation towards someone special. The basket features four stunning purple orchids, four delicate pink carnations, and four vibrant red roses, carefully arranged to create a visually striking and well-balanced bouquet.The purple orchids, with their exotic beauty and graceful shape, are known to symbolize admiration, respect, and royalty. The pink carnations, with their soft and romantic appearance, represent gratitude and love, while the red roses, with their classic elegance and passionate color, convey love, desire, and deep emotions.To top it off, this gift basket also includes a cute 6-inch teddy bear, making it a perfect choice for a romantic occasion, a birthday, or just to show someone you care. Whether it’s for a significant other, a family member, or a dear friend, this gift basket is sure to make them feel special and appreciated.

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