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This stunning bouquet features 20 beautiful white roses, elegantly arranged and wrapped in a rustic brown non-woven paper packing. The white roses are symbolic of purity, innocence, and love, making this bouquet the perfect choice for special occasions such as weddings, anniversaries, or as a romantic gesture.Each rose has been carefully selected for its pristine appearance and heavenly fragrance, and arranged with expert precision to create a stunning and visually appealing bouquet. The brown non-woven paper packing gives the bouquet a natural and rustic feel, adding to its charm and beauty.Whether you are surprising your loved one or sending congratulations to a friend or family member, this bouquet is sure to make a lasting impression. The simple and classic elegance of the white roses combined with the rustic charm of the brown non-woven paper packing make this bouquet a timeless and unforgettable gift.
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