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A basket of 2 yellow Asiatic Lilies and 12 red roses is a stunning floral arrangement that combines the vibrant colors of two of the most beloved flowers in the world. The two yellow Asiatic lilies serve as the centerpiece, with their bold yellow petals and striking orange stamens adding a bright pop of color to the arrangement. The 12 red roses surrounding the lilies provide a beautiful contrast, with their deep red hues and velvety petals exuding passion and romance.This floral arrangement is perfect for any occasion, whether you want to show someone how much you care, celebrate a special event, or simply brighten up your own living space. The basket provides an elegant and rustic touch, giving the arrangement a natural and organic feel. With its combination of bright colors and sweet fragrance, this basket of yellow Asiatic lilies and red roses is sure to capture the attention of anyone who lays eyes on it.
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