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Mix Carnation Bouquet
₹797.00 ₹647.00
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Product contain : -Bouquet of 2 pink carnation 2 yellow carnation, 3 white carnation and 3 pink carnation in a red and white packing.
A 10 mix carnation bouquet is a floral arrangement made up of ten different carnations of various colors. These carnations could be red, white, pink, or any other color. The bouquet is wrapped in red and white non-woven paper, which provides a beautiful and elegant look to the bouquet. Non-woven paper is a lightweight and durable material that is often used for gift wrapping and flower arrangements. The combination of red and white colors creates a striking contrast, making the bouquet visually appealing and eye-catching. This bouquet would make a perfect gift for any occasion, whether it is a birthday, anniversary, or just to show someone you care.
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