Mix Flower Glass vase arrangement


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Product contain :- 14 Pink Roses and 10 pink carnation and 4 yellow asiatic lilly arranged in a 8 inch round gola vase.


The glass vase arrangement features a beautiful combination of pink and yellow flowers that will surely brighten up any room. The centerpiece includes 14 pink roses that symbolize love and admiration, 10 pink carnations that represent gratitude and admiration, and 4 yellow Asiatic lilies that convey joy, happiness, and new beginnings.These lovely blooms are expertly arranged in an 8-inch gola vase, providing a stunning display of color and beauty. The glass vase allows for the full view of the arrangement, showcasing the delicate petals and vibrant hues of the flowers. This arrangement is perfect for expressing your love and appreciation to someone special, or for adding a touch of elegance to any space.

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