Pink Love Basket


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Product contain :- Arrangement Of 24 Pink roses in a cane basket.


This stunning 24 pink roses basket arrangement is a true testament to the beauty of nature. Each rose is carefully hand-picked and arranged by skilled florists to create a perfect balance of color, texture, and fragrance.The roses are elegantly arranged in a wicker basket, creating a classic and timeless look that is perfect for any occasion. The soft, delicate pink petals of each rose are sure to bring joy and happiness to the recipient.Whether you’re celebrating a birthday, anniversary, or simply sending a message of love, this arrangement is the perfect choice. The basket arrangement also makes for a wonderful centerpiece that will brighten up any room.With 24 roses, this arrangement is sure to make a statement and is an ideal way to show your appreciation and affection. The roses are carefully selected to ensure that only the freshest and highest quality blooms are used, guaranteeing that this arrangement will bring beauty and joy for days to come.

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