Timeless Beauty


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product contain :- 6 Yellow Roses and 6 white roses and 3 pink asiatic lilly.


This stunning bouquet is a perfect blend of elegance and charm, featuring a delightful combination of 6 white roses and 6 yellow roses, beautifully accented with 3 pink Asiatic Lilies. The soft and delicate colors of this bouquet create a soothing and calming effect, making it an ideal gift for a special occasion or just to brighten up someone’s day.The flowers are carefully arranged in a non-woven paper packing, which not only adds a touch of sophistication but also ensures that the bouquet stays fresh and intact during transportation. The non-woven paper also provides a protective layer to the flowers, keeping them safe from any external damage.The white roses symbolize purity and innocence, while the yellow roses represent friendship and joy. The pink Asiatic Lilies, with their vibrant pink hue, symbolize prosperity and abundance, making this bouquet a perfect gift for a loved one or a friend.

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