Glory Days


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Product contain :- Bouquet of 5 Yellow Roses and 2 pink asiatic lily in yellow and white paper packing.


This beautiful bouquet features a combination of five bright yellow roses and two stunning pink Asiatic lilies. The vibrant yellow of the roses is perfectly complemented by the delicate pink hues of the lilies, creating a stunning display of color and texture.Each rose and lily is carefully selected for its perfect bloom and rich, vibrant color, and arranged in a bed of lush greenery that adds depth and dimension to the bouquet.The long, slender stems of the lilies add a graceful and elegant touch to the bouquet, while the smaller, more compact roses provide a burst of bold color and fragrance.This bouquet is perfect for any occasion, from birthdays and anniversaries to Mother’s Day or simply as a special treat for yourself or a loved one. The combination of yellow and pink creates a joyful and uplifting vibe, making it a perfect gift to brighten someone’s day.Whether displayed in a vase or given as a hand-held bouquet, this arrangement is sure to make a statement and bring a smile to the face of anyone who receives it.



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