Purple Orchids and Pink lilly bouquet


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Product contain :- Bouquet of 10 purple orchids and 3 pink asiatic lilly in white and purple paper packing.


The bouquet of 3 pink Asiatic lilies and 10 purple orchids is a stunning display of contrasting colors that is sure to make a statement. The vibrant pink of the lilies is a symbol of love, admiration, and feminine beauty, while the deep purple of the orchids represents luxury, royalty, and admiration.This combination of flowers creates a unique and striking contrast, making it a perfect gift for a loved one, friend, or colleague on any occasion. The bouquet is carefully arranged by expert florists to highlight the beauty of each flower, with the pink lilies positioned at the center of the bouquet and the purple orchids surrounding them.The bouquet is tied with a beautiful rafia , which adds to its overall elegance and sophistication. The sweet fragrance of the lilies and the exotic scent of the orchids make this bouquet an unforgettable sensory experience, perfect for brightening up any room or occasion.Whether you want to express your love, gratitude, or congratulations, this bouquet of pink Asiatic lilies and purple orchids is sure to make a lasting impression and bring a smile to anyone’s face.



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