Purple orchids & pink roses basket


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Product contain :- Basket Arrangement of 12 Pink Roses and 6 purple orchids.


The basket of 12 pink roses and 6 purple orchids is a stunning arrangement that exudes elegance and grace. The delicate pink roses are a symbol of admiration, gratitude, and joy, while the striking purple orchids represent beauty, strength, and love.The basket itself is intricately designed to showcase the beauty of the flowers, with a sturdy handle for easy carrying. The combination of soft pink roses and deep purple orchids creates a perfect balance of color, making it a popular choice for a wide variety of occasions.Whether you’re looking to express your love and affection for a significant other, celebrate a special occasion, or simply brighten up someone’s day, this basket of flowers is sure to do the trick. With its exquisite beauty and sweet fragrance, it’s a gift that will be cherished and remembered for years to come.



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